Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What Inspires: Movies: Top 5

I've always been a sucker for a good action movie. Sure a certain chick flick might catch my eye, but nothing beats a good car chase or fight scene. Movies have always inspired me since I was a kid. I remember, on countless occasions, walking out of the movie theater with my head a little higher. I felt empowered and determined. Determined towards what, I wasn't always sure. Over the years, that feeling is less and less. Perhaps it's because I don't go to many movies anymore, or reality has set in and the world isn't as wide open as it once seemed. There are a few, however, that have stuck with me and don't disappoint. They are not all award worthy or what you would think of as necessarily motivational. Maybe it's the feeling they invoke or the rush of adrenaline created. Regardless, they get my heart beating a little faster and my mind a little more focused.

Pride and Prejudice
This is truly a classic and even an action fiend like myself needs a dose of Mr. Darcy every once in awhile. The music, scenery and love story are beautifully combined creating a definite favorite. In fact, just writing about it makes me want to watch it. I've seen both the old and new versions, and admit I prefer the newer. Sorry Colin.

Say Anything
First of all, I love John Cusack. With that said, This is one of my favorites(High Fidelity is a close second). The 80's were fun and this movie is no exception. It's the perfect story of things not always appearing what they seem. But in the end, love wins out and life goes on.

Ok, so this is where my motivation takes a turn. I don't know if it's the medieval costumes, the insanely gorgeous Chris Hemsworth, or Tom Hiddleston's cunning smile, but this movie gets me pumped. I love the action, the almost romance and the fight for good! The graphic are pretty good too, but that doesn't make a movie in my opinion. The second one is pretty fabulous too.
Independence Day
I have no idea why I love this movie. It's about aliens, a computer virus and saving the world but nonetheless, it makes me happy. If I'm having a bad day, this is the movie I pop in. Good wins every time and they both get the girl. What's not to love I guess.

Terminator 2
I resisted adding this one, but I would be a liar if I didn't. I've loved this movie ever since I saw it in the theater when I was 10-years-old. I was a weird kid. To say it inspires anymore is far reaching only because I've watched it so many times, I could recite every line in my sleep. However, there was a time when it was the only thing I wanted to watch, so I've included it.

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