Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New direction

I've been struggling with the direction of this blog for the past week, hence the lack of posts. I don't want it to be another generic fashion blog regurgitating what is either already known or just plain boring. While I was taking a moment of quiet today(a rare occasion) it hit me. My life right now is essentially about new beginnings, roads not traveled and pulling away from the rest of the pack to create something unique. My desire is that this blog would reflect the same. My goal is to post about emerging fashion, innovative fashion and never seen before creations. My hope is to keep it interesting and engaging. A blog people will actually be excited to read. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ryan Korban: his book: his party

It seems like everything I read has some reference to Ryan Korban, the book he just wrote, and the party they had to kick it off. At the risk of looking like an idiot, I have to admit that I have no idea who Ryan Korban is. True to myself, I looked him up, and his book, and his party. I like bullet points. Easy to read and straight to the point. Pun intended.

Notes on Ryan Korban:

-Interior Designer and apparently a very good one with no formal training
-His is originally from Philadelphia
-Co-owner of Edon Manor
-Edon Manor is a New York shop that carries designer accessories
-Went to school for acting and changed his focus after working in local theater
-Just completed his first book titled, Ryan Korban: Luxury Redefined
-Launch party was at an L.A. store called Curve
-Curve is a high end women's clothing boutique
-A lot of famous people were at the party: Nicole Richie, Alexander Wang, Amber Valletta...

References in cause you want even more:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sometimes we need: a little: motivation

My mind is a pretty blank slate today. Perhaps I'm tired or just a little unmotivated. In an effort to break out of the funk, I looked for motivational videos(comedy is also a good pick me up).  First I looked up motivation for women and honestly, it was just a bunch of almost naked chicks. So I changed my approach and this is what I found. I love her! My fellow college drop out....

Monday, August 4, 2014

Future: looks bright: new shades

I don't like to spend a lot on a pair of sunglasses due to the fact that I get sick of them fast. Also, my son likes to break them. While most of the time I feel, as a 33-year-old mother of two, that I am a bit old to shop for clothing at Forever 21, I love their accessories! My last pair aren't terrible but I'm liking the more round cat-eye look that seems to be in right now. While I was at the mall, I also picked up some new aviators for the hubby who just started flight training. When I told him I wanted to take a picture, he insisted on demonstrating the entire pilot look(from the neck up at least). He makes me laugh.

Fashion: Originality: ?

Has fashion existed so long that it's lost all originality? Has it truly all been done before? I'm sad to think this might be true. I would like to think with increasing technology and more people than ever trying to make it in fashion, there is still some never seen before idea or concept waiting to take the runway. I'm currently reading a book about some of the first fashion designers such as Jeanne Lanvin, Madeline Vionnet, Paul Poiret, Coco Chanel, Elsa Schiaparelli and many, many, many more. These people were visionaries, fashion revolutionaries and pioneers. Fashion seems to be a cycle of the classics redefined. Don't get me wrong, there are many contemporary designers with insane talent and foresight. I just wonder, what's really new anymore. What is the new revolution in fashion or have we hit a saturation point?

Jeanne Lavin was know for her robe de style look. Fitted top with flared skirt just below the waist.
Madeleine Vionnet and her bias cut. Fabric at a 45 degree.

Paul Poiret was well know for many of his fashion firsts, with the most scandalous being his harem pantaloons. Oh the shame!

Coco Chanel in one of her own signature suits.

Fashion + Art = Elsa Schiaparelli

Friday, August 1, 2014

Sewing Machine: new toy: new friends

Since moving to Washington state, I've missed being able to "borrow" my mother's sewing machine whenever I wanted. It's been 4 months and I was beginning to get antsy. Not being about to justify the cost to ship my mother's machine here from Arizona, or even spring for a brand new one, I turned to craigslist. Sure, it can be sketchy and there are a lot of scams, but so far I've bought and sold quite a few items using the site. I looked for a few days before finding an add for an older model White Sewing Machine. The price $20. Although they were located in Portland, it seemed worth the drive for the price. After decided on a meeting time, with my 2-year-old in tow and Toy Story on the DVD player, we headed out. Upon arriving, I was a little nervous but determined to remain brave for this adventure. A beautifully petite Armanian woman, around my own age, opened the door with a welcoming smile. She invited me in. Still unsure about how my son would react to our encounter, I held him in my protective arms and scoped out the scene. It wasn't long before I spotted her own toddler playing amongst a sea of toys. Immediately, my son lepted from my arms and bolted towards the closest ball(his favorite of course being a boy). The woman invited him to play with her daughter and the two were instant friends. The woman then turned to me and invited me to sit. I exhaled and let myself relax. We chatted for a bit about kids, travel and life in general. I was thrilled and accepted eagerly when she offered me a cup of Turkish coffee. When she pulled out the dark chocolate and dates, I wasn't sure how the day could get any better. She was also so kind as to postpone a previously scheduled lunch date with her husband so we could visit a bit longer. When we finally said our good-bye, I left with not only my new sewing machine, but a new friend as well.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lanvin: Legacy: 125 years

125 years ago, Jeanne Lanvin opened a hat shop in Paris. I always find it amazing how certain legacies manage to live on. Not only did she expand into much more than just hats, her name is considered one of the top in the fashion industry. Sure, Alber Elbaz(love that name by the way) is designing for the label now, but I have to believe there is still a piece of her spirit that lives on in the clothing.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What Inspires: Movies: Top 5

I've always been a sucker for a good action movie. Sure a certain chick flick might catch my eye, but nothing beats a good car chase or fight scene. Movies have always inspired me since I was a kid. I remember, on countless occasions, walking out of the movie theater with my head a little higher. I felt empowered and determined. Determined towards what, I wasn't always sure. Over the years, that feeling is less and less. Perhaps it's because I don't go to many movies anymore, or reality has set in and the world isn't as wide open as it once seemed. There are a few, however, that have stuck with me and don't disappoint. They are not all award worthy or what you would think of as necessarily motivational. Maybe it's the feeling they invoke or the rush of adrenaline created. Regardless, they get my heart beating a little faster and my mind a little more focused.

Pride and Prejudice
This is truly a classic and even an action fiend like myself needs a dose of Mr. Darcy every once in awhile. The music, scenery and love story are beautifully combined creating a definite favorite. In fact, just writing about it makes me want to watch it. I've seen both the old and new versions, and admit I prefer the newer. Sorry Colin.

Say Anything
First of all, I love John Cusack. With that said, This is one of my favorites(High Fidelity is a close second). The 80's were fun and this movie is no exception. It's the perfect story of things not always appearing what they seem. But in the end, love wins out and life goes on.

Ok, so this is where my motivation takes a turn. I don't know if it's the medieval costumes, the insanely gorgeous Chris Hemsworth, or Tom Hiddleston's cunning smile, but this movie gets me pumped. I love the action, the almost romance and the fight for good! The graphic are pretty good too, but that doesn't make a movie in my opinion. The second one is pretty fabulous too.
Independence Day
I have no idea why I love this movie. It's about aliens, a computer virus and saving the world but nonetheless, it makes me happy. If I'm having a bad day, this is the movie I pop in. Good wins every time and they both get the girl. What's not to love I guess.

Terminator 2
I resisted adding this one, but I would be a liar if I didn't. I've loved this movie ever since I saw it in the theater when I was 10-years-old. I was a weird kid. To say it inspires anymore is far reaching only because I've watched it so many times, I could recite every line in my sleep. However, there was a time when it was the only thing I wanted to watch, so I've included it.


The word pilot has multiple meanings at this point in my life. For one, this is my first post for this blog. Hence the name of the post. This is my first blog where I write for me and not to impress. It's my first online fashion journal to see what makes me tick. To find my inspiration and true desires. It's difficult to find these things without journaling. Well, personally I guess. Others may find ways that work better for them. Also, my husband is about to begin training to become a pilot.  We have both found excuses not to explore our passions. That all ends now. We are going for it. We are each other's cheerleaders and motivational speakers. With all that said, the word "pilot", although a strange choice, seemed fitting.